Friday, November 14, 2008

Word Autosummary at 25,000 words

Finally, Kate thought, a professional. The chair rotated to face her, revealing a man.
Kate asked. Kate shook her head. This man looked and sounded nothing like the man she had met. Kate gasped, “Mr. Polrink!”
The man smiled. The man stood and extended his hand. Kate asked.
“A test!” exclaimed Kate.
“Not your men? Pinkerton asked.
Kate started. Kate jumped up form her chair. Kate blushed. Kate asked.
You are angry with the man.”
Kate wondered. Kate accompanied Pinkerton on a walk through the city. Pinkerton asked. Presently, two men walked towards where Kate and Pinkerton sat. One man wore Italian leather shoes. Pinkerton nodded. “That is very good, Kate. Kate asked. Pinkerton paused. “Cousin Mary!”
“Ah, Cousin William,” Kate said. Roth said, stepping back to admire Kate.
Kate said. Kate rolled her eyes in disgust. Seated and alone, Kate hissed at the man.
Dear Mr. Pinkerton,


“Mr. Abernathy,” Kate said. Abernathy took Kate’s hand and kissed it lightly. Kate said.
Abernathy smiled. Abernathy asked.
“Mr. Abernathy!” exclaimed Kate.
Abernathy asked.
Kate started for the door, but Abernathy stopped her. Abernathy opened the door slightly. “Mr. Abernathy,” said the man, hurriedly. Abernathy closed the door and turned to Kate.
Kate watched the man leave, waited a few minutes and then slipped out the door. “What do you know about an Italian man named Ferrandini?”
Dear Mr. Pinkerton,

“You are too cautious, old man. “Barley,” said Kate. The young man nodded and walked to the door. Kate asked.
Kate asked.
“I’m sorry if I interrupted your conversation earlier,” Kate offered.
Kate smiled. “I do,” Kate said. “Oh,” said Kate, studying her reflection. Dear Mr. Pinkerton,


The men erupted in applause again, shouting huzzahs. “Thank you,” Lincoln said. “Good night, Mr. Lincoln!” Lincoln stifled a laugh. The man on the right, Lincoln recognized. Lincoln didn’t know the man well, but knew of him.
“You are John Bell,” Lincoln replied. Lincoln asked.
“These are trying times, Mr. Lincoln. Lincoln shook his head. Lincoln considered this. “Sir?” “Mr. Lincoln,” Konigmacher started. Lincoln asked.
Dubois asked.
“Cut the man some slack, Abe,” Dubois said. Dubois scoffed. “No,” Lincoln decided. Lincoln thought on this. Dubois laughed. “Mr. Lincoln!” she shouted. Lincoln laughed uproariously, nearly shaking the house. Lincoln playfully swatted Mary’s rear. “You are a naughty man, Mr. Lincoln,” Mary said coquettishly. Mary smiled. The man seemed even more anxious than Dubois to reach the President. As the man passed Dubois, he realized that the man was an actor of some talent and renown though he still could not remember the man’s name. “Good day, sir,” Dubois said, tipping his hat to the man.
The man turned back to face Dubois. “Not agreeable at all!” exclaimed the man. Sir! “…Mr. Lincoln amongst your friends?” Dubois. Lincoln chuckled. Thank you, young man,” said Lincoln.
Just get the man up. “Of course,” said Lincoln. “Untrained militias,” Lincoln mused.
Right, right.”
“Yeah, totally, man. “Dear Mr. President,
Jesse K. Dubois.”

Jesse Dubois.”



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